Work Health and Safety Toolkit

Do you have a Work Health and Safety (WHS) system in place in your business? As business owners, we have responsibilities to make our workplaces as safe as possible for our staff, family and visitors. Everyone has a role to play!

The Young Farmer Business Program has developed a range of videos, factsheets and customisable templates to assist you in getting started with WHS management in your business.

A sound WHS culture in a business is paramount and should be supported by procedures, processes and practices that reflect what happens in your business day-to-day. Check out the videos and factsheets below, then customise the templates to suit your business and workplace.

The resources below are just a starting point. They were developed in conjunction with Rebecca Fing, from House Paddock Training & Consultancy. For over 15 years, Bec has been helping industry groups, regional businesses and individuals to manage risk, meet compliance requirements and get the best out of their businesses, work and lives!

Why does WHS matter?

These videos and factsheets will show you why WHS matters to everyone in primary production - including you! They'll provide an overview of what you need to consider and how to get started.


Providing employees or contractors with safety information at the beginning of their employment on your farm or boat is essential. This can be done through an induction, which provides basic safety information about the workplace and key activities to keep everyone safe. We have developed customisable induction templates for you to use in your business. These documents have been adapted from previously published material reproduced with permission from Farmsafe Australia and are hosted on the House Paddock Training website.

Emergency Planning

Farming and fishing are unique industries as operators often work alone and in isolated environments — we are rarely 5 minutes from the closest hospital or fire station! Your team needs to prepared and appropriately equipped to respond to common emergency situations in order to minimise the potentially negative effects. We have developed a customisable template as a basic guide for you to implement an emergency plan into your business. This document has been adapted from previously published material reproduced with permission from Farmsafe Australia and are hosted on the House Paddock Training website.

Templates to Download

Safety Training

Your employees need to feel confident and comfortable to do whatever you ask them to do safely. This can be achieved through training, both formal and on the job training. We have developed a template you can use to keep a record of the training provided to the employees in your business. This document has been adapted from previously published material reproduced with permission from Farmsafe Australia and are hosted on the House Paddock Training website.

Useful links